Aphelion™ Frequently Asked Questions
Aphelion Dev and Lab 4.x
You will find below a list of questions that you may have asked yourself or a workmate while using version 4 of Aphelion.
The questions below are short, and usually answers are short as well. We highly recommend experimenting with the software while reading this page.
How to rename an image?
Right-click on the image thumbnail in the image gallery, select “Properties…” and enter a new name in the Properties window.
How to change an image class/type?
Right-click on the image thumbnail in the image gallery, select “Properties…” and select a new Category/Pixel Type from the pull-down menu in the Properties window.
Where is the image resolution displayed?
It is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the user interface.
Where are the pixel values displayed?
They are displayed in in the status bar at the bottom of the user interface.
How to apply a resolution/calibration to an image?
Select a resolution profile from the resolution drop-down list after clicking on the icon.
How to change the color space of a color image?
Right-click on the image thumbnail in the image gallery, select “Properties…” and select a new color space from the pull-down menu in the Properties window.
How to alter the rendering of an image displayed in the visualization window?
Right-click in the visualization window, select “Properties…” and then one of the tabs in the right part of the Visualization Window Properties window.
How to compute a histogram?
To compute a histogram on the whole image, right-click on the image thumbnail in the image gallery and select the Histogram entry. To compute a histogram in an area of interest, select the Developer Task, click on the histogram icon in the main toolbar, select a shape for the region of interest and then use the mouse to draw the area of interest.
How to compute a profile?
Select the Developer Task, click on the profile icon in the main toolbar, and manually draw a line after having selected a shape.
How to close all images and ObjectSets displayed in the visualization windows?
Select the Window menu, and then the Close All entry.
How to display different bands of a multi- band image?
Click on the small triangles and
in the window banner. The name of the band is then displayed in the left part of the banner.
How to change the number of images displayed in Multiple Image mode?
Open the Tools->Options->Advanced window, select the Appearance->Images menu and edit the MIVTColumnCount and MIVTRowCount parameters.
How to synchronize the display controls of two or more images?
Click on the banner of the first image. Control-click on the banners of the other images to be synchronized with the first image. An icon is displayed to help visualizing the selected images. Then, zoom and pan in one image window, other images will then follow the first one.
How to load a 3D image from a series of sections?
Select the Import function in the IO menu, then select the second overload, and open all sections in the file browser. Click on the 3 dot icon to specify the image parameters and select the 3D option.
How to display a 3D image?
Open a 3D image from the file browser in the File->Open menu. Once the image is open in the image gallery, drag and drop its thumbnail in the Visualization window and select a rendering mode.
How to display the values of an array in the measurement grid?
Select an attribute column, then click on the right mouse button, and select the Expand entry.
How to compute more measurements?
Open the Tools->Options->Measurements window, and then select new measurements for 2D and 3D shapes.
How to retrieve the Aphelion License code?
Select the Help, About Aphelion menu entry to open the window in which the code is displayed.
How to display the toolbar that includes ROI, Profile and Histogram definition?
Select the Developer Task. The specific toolbar opens in the main toolbar of the user interface.
How to delete a ROI, a graphic object, an object in an ObjectSet?
To delete a ROI, and a graphic object, click on the Delete Selection icon () in the main toolbar of Aphelion. To delete an object in an ObjectSet from the Editing or Measurement Tasks, click on the Delete Selection icon in the contextual toolbar.
How to compute statistics of an image?
Right-click on the image thumbnail in the image gallery, and select the corresponding entry.
How to convert an Object of an ObjectSet into a ROI?
Click on an object to select it in the image overlay, then press Control C. Switch to the Developer task if this is not the current task, select the image you want to paste the ROI onto, then click on the ROI icon in the main toolbar, and press Control V to copy the ROI in a new image.
Why is the grid sometimes not visible?
The Show Grid entry in the contextual menu of an ObjectSet thumbnail in the ObjectSet gallery is only available in the Developer and Measurement Tasks.
What is the correspondence between Structuring Elements in versions 3.2 and 4.0?
A Structuring element of size 1 in version 3.2 of Aphelion has a size 3 in Aphelion 4.
More generally, size n in Aphelion 3.2 corresponds to size (2n+1) in Aphelion 4 which is the actual size of the structuring element (a square of size 3 contains 3x3 pixels).
How to retrieve the key of an Object in an ObjectSet?
Click on an object in the image overlay. The corresponding line in the grid is then highlighted. The first column of the grid gives the object key.
Why are ObjectSet keys sometimes not contiguous?
Because Aphelion does not update the Object keys after a filtering operation is performed on an ObjectSet. It helps to retrieve an object using its key whatever is the function performed on the ObjectSet.
How to change the color of an Object?
If an ObjectSet is displayed in the image overlay, right-click on the Visualization window and select “Properties…” to open the Visualization Window Properties window. The ObjectSet is displayed in the left area of the window. Click on the + icon to open the list of object keys. Click on one specific key, and then change the display options in the right area of the window.
How to display the BasicScript syntax of a function?
Open the Tools->Options->Advanced window, select the Developer menu and edit the BasicScriptHistoryRecordingEnabled parameter. The BasicScript syntax will then be written to the BasicScript Command window each time a function is executed from the Functions Panel.
How can a macro be automatically executed when launching Aphelion?
Open the Tools->Options->Startup window, and specify the macro to be launched.
How to access all camera controls and parameters?
Only an administrator has access to all these controls.
Should measurements be recomputed after editing an ObjectSet?
ObjectSet measurements are automatically recomputed after one or more objects are manually deleted or edited. If an object in an ObjectSet is added or edited in the Object Editing Task, then all measurements previously computed are erased, and Object measurements should be recomputed by clicking on the corresponding icon in the contextual toolbar of the Measurement Task.
Why are all measurements erased after editing an object in the Object Editing Task?
All Object measurements are automatically erased when one or more object is edited in the Object Editing Task since some of these measurements depend on the size and shape of the object. Click again on the button in the Measurements task to recompute all measurements.
Where are the interactive functions of the Color Extension in Aphelion Dev?
These functions are located in the User-Assisted section of the Object Extraction Task.
What are the Aphelion extensions that are directly accessible in Aphelion Dev?
The following extensions are only available in Dev: 3D Image Processing Extension, Image Display Extension and Skeletonization Extension, Color Extension, Multifocus Extension. Image Registration is a stand-alone extension, but the registration function is available in the Process->Images->Matching group.
Once a classifier is built in Classifier Builder, it can be called as a C# function. Refer to the example in the C:\\Program Files\\Aphelion 4.2.0\\Dev\\Examples\\dotnet\\Applications\\Classification\\DataSets\\Noodles folder that demonstrates this capability.
Specific camera drivers can be used in the Dev environment. The camera then appears in the list of available devices.
What are the Aphelion extensions that are not available in Dev?
All the classification functions, Image Annotator, Virtual Image Capture, Virtual Image Stitcher, and VisionTutor are stand-alone extensions.