Expertos en visión artificial
en adquisición de imágenes /
procesamiento / inteligencia artificial.


ADCIS joins the Evolucare Group

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ADCIS at SantExpo 2022 in Paris

ADCIS was present at the SantExpo 2022 trade show in Paris in May 17-19 at the Evolucare group’s booth.

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Proyecto DiabEyeIA

Large-scale pilot study of acceptability and efficiency in Normandy pharmacies to evaluate the benefit of an early screening of diabetic retinopathy in diabetic patients.

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Proyecto SEDAAR

Screening for Eye Disease using Automated Analysis of Retinal photography

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Proyecto EVIRED

Smart Evaluation of the Diabetic Retinopathy using new imaging technology

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Aphelion Interface for Teledyne Cameras

Teledyne-Dalsa and Teledyne-Lumenera cameras are now available in Aphelion

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Aphelion 4.5.0 – Comunicado de prensa

Del paquete de programas Aphelion ya está disponible en la versión 4.5.0

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44th ISS France Conference

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ADCIS ganó un nuevo proyecto en IA

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