Partnerships and Applications in Life Science
Since its inception, ADCIS (Advanced Concepts in Imaging Software) has been building partnerships with research laboratories, health care centers, and with leading pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies. These partnerships include industrial and research projects such as TeleOphta, RetinOpTIC, and RAMIS, where ADCIS has developed its image processing and analysis expertise in health-related fields. During the past few years this expertise has expanded to include databases interfacing for clinical studies, application of Deep Learning techniques, and improved medical diagnostics by Artificial Intelligence.
ADCIS expertise in image processing and image analysis is recognized and relied on by many companies for the development of their healthcare and biological software applications.
Expertise in the Healthcare and Biology fields
- Cell counting, vessel network detection, structure analysis, and more
- Quantitative measurements and analysis
- Automatic screening tools based on deep learning technics
- Multimodal analysis and monitoring over time of biological processes
- Acquisition device interfacing (Cameras, Optical microscopes, Scanning electron microscopes, Digital slide scanner)
- Database interfacing for experimental and clinical studies
- Annotation software tools for building training database, and then classification based on Deep learning techniques