A continuación, podrán encontrar la lista de productos software de ADCIS que pueden ser descargados para prueba gratis o uso permanente.
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Aphelion Dev
Aphelion Dev is a powerful software product for rapid application prototyping, development of new imaging techniques, and training in computer vision, including an extensive set of image processing and image analysis tools, a graphical user interface, a macro recorder, a chart server, …
Optional modules are also available upon request.
The Aphelion Dev extensions listed below are included in the Aphelion Dev setup program. These extensions are not activated by the default license. Should you want to try some of these extensions, please specify it in the request code form you send us.
- 3D Image Processing Extension
- 3D Image Display Extension
- 3D Skeletonization Extension
- Allied Vision Camera Interface
- Classifier Builder (included in the Dev license)
- Color Extension
- Fuzzy Logic Toolkit (included in the Dev license)
- IDS uEye Camera Interface
- IEEE1394 interface for Cameras compliant to the IIDC v1.3 Specifications
- Kriging Filtering
- Multifocus Extension
- Neural Network Toolkit
- Random Forest Extension (1)
- Note the Random Forest extension for Classifier Builder requires the installation of the Random Forest package to be executed from Classifier Builder. Please find below the link to download the setup program of this software package.
Aphelion Lab
Aphelion Lab is a software product to quickly and easily capture, process, and analyze images in the fields of microscopy and laboratories.
Aphelion SDK
Aphelion SDK is a comprehensive set of Image Processing and Analysis components to build applications in the Visual Studio .NET environment.
The available Aphelion SDK extensions are the same as the Aphelion Dev ones (See Aphelion Dev extensions listed above), and are included in the Aphelion SDK setup program. These extensions are not activated by the default license. Should you want to try some of these extensions, please specify it in the request code form you send us.
ARIES is a software to process images of the cornea acquired by a confocal microscope.
RevAnalyzer is a specific software to quantize the volume of retinal pigment epithelium detachments and other retinal choroidian area, and track their evolution over time.
Stereology Analyzer
Stereology Analyzer is a user-friendly software tool for reliably estimating quantifications of important 3D structures. This tool is general in its implementation, but has applicability to various scientific domains, most commonly in medicine, materials science, and geology.