ADCIS became a member of R&D organization Nucleopolis
At the beginning of 2013, following its participation in the RSNA trade show in Chicago at the end of 2012, ADCIS joined the Normandy R&D organization Nucleopolis. For many years, AREVA LA HAGUE, DCNS and EDF have been very involved in the development of the nuclear sector in the Normandy region. AREVA has set up a fund to support the economic development of each of the basins concerned by its activities. Its intervention aims to support the establishment of businesses and the development of local businesses through the diversification of their activities. The main objective is to finance projects that create jobs through the participation or subsidies offered to project holders. EDF, for its part, collaborated with Cherbourg Cotentin Chamber of Commerce and Industry in order to better know the industrial fabric before the launch of the EPR project. Finally, the three contractors were very involved in the construction of the Nucleopolis organization, participating in all meetings of the steering committee, working groups and making contact files available to its members. ADCIS will provide members of Nucleopolis with recognized expertise in the field of 2D and 3D image processing and analysis. It should be noted that ADCIS has already worked with some organization members on material research applications. To find out more about the Nucleopolis organization, click here. A french article about ADCIS (French) was published in NucleoLien of april 2014. |