ADCIS (ADvanced Concepts in Imaging Software) is a company specialized in image processing and analysis, based in Caen (Calvados, Normandy). A key player in the field of Computer Vision, ADCIS publishes Aphelion, an industrial image processing software, contributes to research projects and develops specialized applications for its customers.
The dual expertise in image processing and software development of our engineering teams has led ADCIS to carry out complex projects in the fields of health, life sciences, materials, quality control, electronics and authentication.
Our culture of international academic and industrial partnerships positions ADCIS at the heart of the global Computer Vision ecosystem.
ADCIS in dates
Created in 1995, ADCIS quickly established academic partnerships with several schools, universities and research laboratories. Thus, alongside the École des Mines de Paris, ADCIS developed its skills in Mathematical Morphology. In collaboration with INSERM, ADCIS is designing the first artificial intelligence algorithms applied to opthalmology.
In 1995, ADCIS’ partnership with Amerinex Applied Imaging opened the doors to the North American territory managed since 2017 by its subsidiary Adcis, Inc.
In 2022, ADCIS was acquired by its partner Evolucare in the OphtAI project. ADCIS’ recognized expertise in computer vision combined with the development and industrialization strength of the Evolucare group opens up new prospects for our customers and partners.