Kerify Vision
Kerify Vision is a computer vision software system that automates the determination of area of cell damage in corneal tissues. Developed by LGS and ADCIS, and supported by an EBAA investment, Kerify Vision will determine corneal health more accurately, which will improve patient outcomes with corneal transplantation and eye bank operations.

A solution designed for Eye Banks
Eye banks typically determine cornea health following processing by manually using a specular microscope. Manual evaluation of corneas involves only a small fraction of the corneal endothelium and can take up to 30 minutes per cornea. Using staining techniques, eye banks can estimate observed areas of damage. But the threshold applied for acceptable damage is arbitrary, and frequently overestimates damage, contributing to the waste of transplantable tissue.
Kerify Vision improves on the endothelial staining method and will be the gold standard for tissue assessment. Using Kerify Vision, eye banks can produce images and accurately assess endothelial damage in seconds. Kerify Vision provides precise, non-subjective, comprehensive reports on the health of every donated cornea, so eye banks and surgeons can select the best cornea for each surgery.
Kerify Vision prevents eye banks from EK tissue waste
Are you still relying on human estimates of cell damage following EK processing? You are likely wasting precious tissue!
Manual estimates of cell damage are time-consuming and vary among operators. Lions Gift of Sight along with ADCIS, have invented software to differentiate healthy and damaged cells.
- Without Kerify Vision: additional staining procedures are necessary to identify cell damage.
- With Kerify Vision: no additional staining is necessary. Software derives cell damage area.

How to use Kerify Vision ?
5 eye banks are currently Kerify Vision solution to calculate the are of cell damage while participating in the DEKS study across the US. The solution has been designed to help eye banks technician save time and tissues:
- USB-microscope with camera connected to computer with off-the-shelf microscopy software
- Default settings and foot pedal make photo capture simple and hands-free. No circulator required
- Operated in sterile processing environment to avoid transport to separate evaluation area
- Images uploaded to the cloud for automated analysis by Kerify Vision cloud application
Coming soon : Kerify Vision web portal will enable eye banks end users to upload their cornea images and retrieve the generated report !
As a next step, ADCIS plans to adapt Kerify Vision to alternative graft protocols such as DSAEK and new tissue conservation techniques. This is only the begining !

For more information, please contact the Kerify Vision team at