Key Strengths
- Automatic Real-Time Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy based on the Analysis of Color Fundus Images1
- Cloud-based, stand-alone, or embedded in most ophthalmology equipments
- Optimize data processing with real-time image quality assessment2
- Compatible with any color fundus camera available on the market
Main Features
Image Quality
Image Quality determination based upon:
- Macula and peripheral vessel visibility
- Global image sharpness
- Vessel boundary visibility
- Vessel density
Automatic Grading of the Diabetic Retinopathy
- Powerful algorithm based on latest development in Deep Learning
- Heatmap of most significative pixels to display retinal lesions

Image Interpretability: 96.4%
Sensitivity: 99%
Specificity: 87%
(1) Specificity set to 87.0: Sensitivity = 96.8 % for Idx Inc.; Sensitivity = 99.0% for NotifEye (RetinOptic), Number of false negatives divided by 3
(2) Accuracy 96,4%; processing time 0,4s/image on a standard CPU