Developing Successful Applications With Aphelion™ ActiveX Components
Aphelion ActiveX controls let users
- Quickly develop powerful imaging applications with custom GUIs using Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, or other software development environments that support COM
- Benefit from the power and efficiency of Aphelion's advanced imaging library without being a programming expert
- Focus on application-specific development issues without worrying about image display, image acquisition, or GUI development
- Take advantage of integrated third-party tools for chart display, statistical computation, image format conversion, and other common tasks
The Aphelion ActiveX controls include 8 imaging toolkits plus specific controls for image display, acquisition, and data management. All controls come with detailed documentation describing properties, methods, and events.
Additionally, OEMs can partner with AAI and ADCIS to develop custom controls, such as new drivers or imaging operators, to meet specialized needs. Finally, experts at AAI and ADCIS can assist OEMs during development, from writing specifications through final delivery and installation, including technical support and training.
Using the Aphelion ActiveX controls within environments such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Delphi, ADCIS engineers, Aphelion OEMs, and end-users have developed successful applications in a wide variety of fields. The following examples describe typical applications in the medical and industry fields.
Quality Control and Measurements For Printed Circuit Boards
Using Visual Basic and Aphelion ActiveX controls, a California-based company developed a turnkey system to inspect printed circuit boards. The system computes distances, analyzes the shape of the pads and the circuit, and measures optical densities in different areas of the circuit.