CLOVIS: Final Delivery of a video-surveillance software environment
Download the posterFontainebleau, October 6 2006: Partners of the CLOVIS project (Software Components for Video-Surveillance) organize a live demonstration of the software environment in front of people of the Eureka Community.

During the month of October 2003, a group of three prestigious European Research Centers and two SME received a Eureka label for the development of software tools to be applied to video-surveillance applications. The Consortium is made of CEA-LIST and the Center for Mathematical Morphology of the Ecole des Mines de Paris in France, Multitel in Mons, Belgium, and the ADCIS companies in France and EVS in Liege, Belgium.
After 36 months of development, the whole software environment has been validated on three common video-surveillance applications: people counting in one room, face detection and person tracking in a network of cameras. Two of the applications are running on a PC computer, and the third one is implemented on a smart camera.
The CLOVIS project currently integrates the following software components:
- Camera calibration
- MVCounting: Person counting
- Pedestrian detection
- Automatic detection of moving objects
The software environment is currently validated and fully tested by a few potential OEMs. After validation, it will be marketed and sold by ADCIS in two distinct products, the whole software environment and a set of elementary bricks. Future developments will include a new version of the graphical user interface for a better look and feel, new versions of the existing processing functions, to enhance their speed and robustness, and the development of new capabilities to address a broader set of video-surveillance applications.
ADCIS, a French SME, is specialized in the development and marketing of image processing and image analysis software tools.
The LIST laboratory of the CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie Atomique) is specialized in the development of vision systems including advanced image processing algorithms and embedded architectures.
The Center for Mathematical Morphology of the Ecole des Mines of Paris and ARMINES is mainly involved in the development of applied image processing algorithms in various application fields including security and video-surveillance.
The Imaging department of MULTITEL is specialized in the content of video sequences, mainly for video-surveillance and traffic monitoring.
The Belgium company EVS Broadcast Equipment is the worldwide leader of slow-motion systems for TV broadcast.
Demonstration movies
- CEA Demonstration (3 Mb)
- Multitel Demonstration (3 Mb)