'MEDEA' Face Tracking

Face Tracking sample
Track a character face in front of a camera
For this application, ADCIS acted as a sub-contractor for the Centre de
Morphologie Mathématique (CMM) of the Ecole des Mines de Paris, involved in the
framework of the M4M (MPEG-4 fo(u)r Mobiles) MEDEA European project referenced A116.
The goal of the M4M project A116 involving the main European "Consumer Electronics"
companies is to develop MPEG-4 technical solutions, and to prototype VLSI implementations
for mobile real-time communications and interactive broadcast systems for mobile
The Centre de Morphologie Mathématique developed hardware and software solutions to detect and track characters in video-conference applications.
For all these applications, ADCIS and the CMM worked on the development of a "real-time" demonstration for a standard PC and the following tasks were performed:
- Development of a Visual Basic GUI which can be adapted to other tracking applications
- optimization of algorithms and port on a Pentium 4. These algorithms include the most recent techniques developed by the CMM.
To learn more about the MEDEA project, connect to the Home Page of the CMM.