Aphelion Version 4.6.1
Saint-Contest, France , June 15th, 2023 – Official release of version 4.6.1 of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite.
New features and improvements
- Object rotation from the graphical user interface
- Shortcut setting interface
- Grabcut function added
- New SDK application examples
- Minor improvements (documentation, bug correction)
- Deep Learning Process extension: Compliant to TensorFlow 2.7, Cuda 11.8 and CuDNN 8.6. The Nvidia Maxwell to Hopper micro-architectures is supported
- Improved version of Annotate
Aphelion Imaging Software Suite executable and libraries are compiled with the Visual Studio 2017 software and are based on .NET framework 4.0.
Version 4.6.1 is compatible with Windows 10, and 11.
Aphelion Version 4.6.0
Saint-Contest, France , October 27th, 2022 – Official release of version 4.6.0 of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite.
This release includes main new features and enhancements.
Find out now some of the new features of version 4.6.0:
- C# macro recorder/command history
- New functions such as Histogram of oriented gradients, Selective Search, Graph-based segmentation, Maximum filter and Minimum filter
New extensions:
- 3D Processing extension: Added functions for point cloud handling and processing: geometrical operations and registration, mesh display
- Improved version of Annotate
- Jpeg2000 reader (supported file formats: j2k, jp2, j2c, and jpt)
Drivers for new acquisition devices:
- Allied Vision USB Alvium series
- IDS GV and U3 camera series (IDS Peak driver)
- Teledyne-Flir BlackFly S USB 3.0 and BlackFly S Gige camera series
Aphelion Imaging Software Suite executable and libraries are compiled with the Visual Studio 2017 software and are based on .NET framework 4.0.
Version 4.6.0 is compatible with Windows 10, and 11.
Aphelion Version 4.5.0
Saint-Contest, France , February 23rd, 2021 – Official release of version 4.5.0 of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite. This release includes main new features and enhancements.
Below is a partial list of the new features:
- Ability to display a grey scale image as a surface map
- A new gallery is available to quickly access miscellaneous objects like custom palettes, custom structuring elements, custom convolution kernels, classifiers, and Deep Learning Neural Networks
- New functions such as Optical Flow, Color Distance Gradient, Projection Shape Measurements, Export to STL, and many others
New extensions :
Drivers for new acquisition devices:
- Teledyne-Dalsa Genie Nano 1Gige and Nano 5Gige camera series
- Teledyne-Lumenera LT USB3 camera series
Aphelion Dev executable and libraries are now compiled with the Visual Studio 2017 software and are based on .NET framework 4.0.
Version 4.5.0 is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.
Aphelion Version 4.4.0
Saint-Contest, France , October 5th, 2017 – Official release of version 4.4.0 of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite. This release includes main new features and enhancements.
Important note: 4.3.x and older license codes are no longer valid with Aphelion 4.4.
Below is a partial list of the new features:
- The software can now be installed without a license code;
- The License code is requested on first software startup. The installation program handles command line arguments, allowing installations on a large set of computers;
- A new tab in the image window Properties window allows to display the centers of closed shapes (rectangles, ellipses, polygons, etc.) and to choose the way these centers are displayed.
Drivers for new equipment:
- Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) cameras.
Version 4.4.0 is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.
Aphelion Version 4.3.2
Saint-Contest, France , September, 15, 2015 – Official release of version 4.3.2 of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite. This release includes main new features and a lot of enhancements.
An update was released on March 21st, 2016.
Below is a partial list of the new features:
- Support of TIFF images has been improved to support very large images (BigTIFF)
- Calibration bar display in the non destructive image overlay
- Brightness and Contrast controls in the main toolbar
- Full support of the User-Assisted Drawing Tool
- New AVI driver and user interface
- New reader for PNG image files
- Support of wavelet transforms for image subsampling
- Added the See Also in the online documentation
- Added input and output images to describe each function of Aphelion SDK
- Support of very large 2D images including I/O
- Updated user guide
- Support of version 6.1 of VTK in the 3D Image Display extension
- Autofocus added to the Multi-Field Capture extension
Drivers for new equipment:
- Lumenera cameras
- Diagnostic Instruments Spot cameras
- Prior stage controller
Version 4.3.2 is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.
Aphelion Version 4.3.1
Saint-Contest, France , December, 30, 2014 – Official release of version 4.3.1 of Aphelion Dev. This release brings new capabilities and extensions, as described below.
New features:
- New functions to quickly generate a binary or label image derived from an Aphelion ObjectSet by pulling a contextual menu
- Hyperlinks to contextual videos available in the Quick Help window of a task
- Synchronization between a grid and the three-dimensional rendering of 3D objects
- Message passing between the grid, the histogram, and the objects in the overlay
- Updated user guide
New extensions:
- Improved graphical user interface of Classifier Builder
- Multi Field Capture, a new task to capture a series of images of a sample observed through an optical or electron microscope
- Support of large JPEG 2000 images in the Large Image extension
Version 4.3.1 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1.
Aphelion Version 4.3.0
Paris, France, September, 16-18, 2014 – ADCIS announced and introduced version 4.3.0 of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite during the ENOVA PARIS 2014.
Saint-Contest, France , October, 22, 2014 – Official release of version 4.3.0 of Aphelion Dev. This release brings new capabilities and extensions, as described below.
New features:
- Color segmentation based on a scatter plot
- 3D image generation from 2D sections with automatic image registration of adjacent sections
- New user-assisted tools to segment images
- Generation and visualization of large virtual images (Tiled images) with computation of subsample images
- New functions to quickly generate an Aphelion ObjectSet (Area of interest in an image) from that image
- Updated user guide
New extensions:
Version 4.3.0 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1.
Aphelion Version 4.2.1
Saint-Contest, France, January, 15, 2014 – Official release of version 4.2.1 of Aphelion Dev. This new version of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite brings a lot of new capabilities and enhancements, as described below.
New features:
- Interactive measurements on live images
- Display of measurement values in the image overlay
- Camera configuration to optimize image calibration
- IEEE1394 IIDC driver for Windows 64-bit operating system
Main changes between version 4.2.0 and the new version 4.2.1:
- Support (read/write) of tiled TIFF images
- Multithreading support
- Function shortcuts displayed in menus
- STL file reader
- Updated version of the documentation (online help and printable version)
- Measurement QuickHelp in the Tools - Options - Measurements window
- Improved memory management for 3D image display
- Optimized picking capability in the 3D image view
- Improved interface to the IDS uEye driver
Version 4.2.1 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.2.0
Saint-Contest, France, February, 21, 2013 – Official release of version 4.2.0 of Aphelion Dev. This new version of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite brings a lot of new capabilities and enhancements, as described below.
New extensions and new features:
- Kriging Extension. Version 3.2 of the extension has been ported in the 4.2 environment. It now includes the automatic determination of the model.
- Import capability to generate 3D images from 2D sections
- New functions: Cross-correlate, Hough Lines Accumulator, Hough Lines, Hough Circle Spaces, Conjugate, and Color Gradient based on distance
- New measurements computed on lines
- New 3D measurements (i.e centroid, and least square planes)
- New Random Forest classifier available in Classifier Builder in addition to existing Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network classifiers
Main changes between version 4.1.2 and the new version 4.2.0:
- The 32 bit version of Aphelion can now allocate 3 GB of memory instead of 1.6 GB in the previous version
- Updated version of the documentation (online help and printable version)
- Addition of tooltips on functions
- Automatic selection of input images
- Automatic selection of objectsets
- Licensing management from the graphical user interface
Version 4.2.0 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.1.2
Saint-Contest, France, November 2012 – Official release of version 4.1.2 of Aphelion Dev. This new version of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite brings a lot of new capabilities and enhancements, as described below.
New extensions and updates:
- Updated version of the IDS uEye driver supporting USB 3.0 cameras and faster display rate
- Updated version of Virtual Image Stitcher
- Virtual Image Capture for optical microscope
Main changes between version 4.1.1 and the new version 4.1.2:
- New interface to manually define filters in the frequency space. This interface is available from the Function window for the following functions: ButterworthFilter, ExponentialFilter, GaussianFilter, RectangularFilter, and TrapezoidalFilter
- New BasicScript functions (to select the activity, to set and retrieve the active image, to convert color images into another color space, to convert the ImageView content to an image)
- Support of the 3D Tiff format in 3DMovieGenerator
- Clip function to manually define a subvolume to display 3D images and objectsets
- Added link to the Tutorial videos in the Help menu
- Updated functions to communicate through a COM port. These functions are now compliant to Windows 7
- Improvement of the object selection speed
- Improvement of the ObjectSetView refreshment
- Improvement of the Multi Image View tab
Version 4.1.2 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.1.1
Saint-Contest, France, April 2012 – Official release of version 4.1.1 of Aphelion Dev.
New extensions of Aphelion Dev:
Main changes between version 4.1.0 and version 4.1.1:
- New interactive tools to segment color images available from the Object Extraction task (Color interval and Color distance available in the Dev version, Region growing and Morphological partition available in the Color Segmentation extension)
- JPEG 2000 file format support
- TIFF file format: Can now be saved with or without LZW compression
- JPEG Quality option available to define the level of compression
- New image processing and objectset processing functions
- New measurements (median value for Objectsets, statistics under a mask for images)
- Copy/Paste to duplicate and/or convert shapes from Objectsets, ROIs, and Graphics
- Paste As Image to paste the content of the clipboard to a new image
- New BasicScript commands have been added, in particular many Aphelion Dev 3.2 commands which had not yet been ported into version 4 of the Aphelion Dev environment
- BasicScript Command window to retrieve all executed functions as BasicScript commands
- Read/Write of ObjectSets as tks files in the x64 version of Aphelion Dev
- Images, Objectsets, macros, kernels, structuring elements, and palettes can be saved when Aphelion Dev is closed and loaded when Aphelion Dev is restarted
- New menu entries have been added to the contextual menu of the chart window
- The spatial resolution of an image/objectset can be changed from the Image/Objectset Properties window
Version 4.1.1 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.1.0
Saint-Contest, France, October 2011 – Official release of version 4.1.0 of Aphelion Dev and SDK.
New extensions of Aphelion Dev:
Main changes between version 4.0.10 and version 4.1.0:
- Major re-implementation of the ObjectSet code to provide new capabilities: Sub-attributes of complex attributes (spatial and vector attributes) and image attributes
- New Basic/Script functions (Chart and Overlay related functions, Aph4MissingParameter to open the function dialog window during the macro execution, invocation of C#, VB.NET, and Python functions)
- Improvement of the display speed of large images
- New mathematical functions for images (Sin, Cos, Tan, ASin, ACos, ATan)
- New arithmetic functions for ObjectSets (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide)
- Improvement of the Graphical User Interface of Classifier Builder (Added toolbar and automatic selection of the attributes)
- New items in the Chart contextual menu: Save and Properties
- Two new buttons in the Function panel: The first one to access the recently used functions and the second one to display the Help on the currently selected function
- Images can be loaded/saved from/to multi-page TIFF files
- 3D images can be saved to multi-page PDF files (3D Image Processing Extension is required)
- Support of cylindrical and ellipsoidal 3D shapes (3D Image Display Extension is required)
- Support of the type Text for graphic objects
- And other features described in the readme file included in the Aphelion Dev setup program
Version 4.1.0 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.0.10
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, April 2011 – Official release of version 4.0.10 of Aphelion Dev, SDK, and Lab.
New extensions of Aphelion Dev:
Main changes between version 4.0.9 and version 4.0.10:
- Import of the administrator configuration defined in the previous 4.0.x version
- Added functions: WeightedDistance, SplitVectorAttribute, and synchronization between the ImageView and the grid of an objectset in the Developer task.
- Added features in the 3D Image Display Extension: 3D chain support and object pickable.
- Added functions supported by Basic/Script.
Version 4.0.10 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.0.9
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, February 2011 – Official release of version 4.0.9 of Aphelion Dev, SDK, and Lab. On February 4, 2011, the 64 bit version of Basic/Script is added to version 4.0.9.
New extensions of Aphelion Dev:
- Multifocus Extension: This new version includes an additional method to extract focused areas
- Image Registration
- Fuzzy Logic Toolkit (callable from ClassifierBuilder)
Main changes between version 4.0.8 and version 4.0.9:
- Support of the subsampling factor to display 3D images using less memory (3D Image Display Extension)
- ObjectSets logic functions
- Added measurements (projection, weighted centroids)
- Startup scripts (user-defined from the Tools>Options…>Startup menu)
- Plug-in selection from the Tools>Options…>Plugins menu
- Pop-up of the operator contextual help by clicking the F1 keybutton
- Availability of Basic/Script in the 64 bit version of Aphelion
Version 4.0.9 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.0.8
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, October 2010 – Availability of the update version 4.0.8 of Aphelion Dev and Lab.
New extensions of Aphelion Dev:
Main changes between version 4.0.7 and version 4.0.8:
- Improved File menu
- Added function to import 3D data (available in the 3D Image Processing Extension)
- Added contextual menu in the Image Gallery
- Added settingsParamétrages supplémentaires (Tools>Options…>Advanced)
Version 4.0.8 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.0.7
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, August 2010 – Availability of the update version 4.0.7 of Aphelion Dev.
Main changes between version 4.0.6 and version 4.0.7:
- Image View Synchronisation (same zooming and scrolling can be applied to a set of user-selected image views)
- Added wrapper to compile and debug C# and VB.NET scripts using development environment such as Visual Studio and SharpDevelop
Version 4.0.7 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.0.6
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, May 2010 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc. announce the availability of Aphelion Dev version 4.0, the flagship product of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite software product. After the launch of the SDK and Lab versions, the new release of Aphelion Dev, formely named Developer, is now available. This major release of Aphelion Dev includes the following new features and improvements:
- 64-bit support to address and process large images
- Context-based user interfaces facilitate productive use of the software
- Over than 50 measurements
- 4 available macro command languages (BasicScript, Python, Visual Basic, and Visual C#)
- Drawing tools enable feature measurements, even when segmentation is difficult
- Administrator and User modes foster Good Laboratory Practices
- Support of FireWire cameras1 and cameras compliant to the DirectShow interface
New extension of Aphelion Dev:
1 Compliant with the IIDC 1394 Digital Camera Specification version 1.31 as published by the 1394 Trade Association.
Version 4.0.6 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.0.5
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, December 2009 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc. launch Aphelion SDK, the second product of the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite. Aphelion SDK, update version of Aphelion Core 3.2, is a set of image processing and image analysis functions provided as DLLs (native code) and .NET components (managed code).
Main improvements provided by Aphelion SDK compared to Aphelion Core:
- 64-bit architecture support allowing to address large data processing
- .NET compliant to improve the efficiency to develop image-based applications
- Python1 support
- Outils de dessin dédiés à la mesure
1 IronPython support.
Version 4.0.5 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 4.0.0
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, July 2009 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc. launch Aphelion Lab, inaugurating the Aphelion Imaging Software Suite. Aphelion Lab introduces a new user interface with its context-based user interfaces that facilitate productive use of the software.

Context-based interfaces are available for the following tasks:
- Definition of calibration profiles
- Image acquisition (FireWire cameras1 and DirectShow compatible cameras can be controlled from this interface)
- Object extraction
- Object edition
- Measurement computation on extracted objects and interactive measurement tools
- Report generation
1 Compliant with the IIDC 1394 Digital Camera Specification version 1.31 as published by the 1394 Trade Association.
Version 4.0.0 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
Aphelion Version 3.2j
Hérouville Saint-Clair, France, October 23th, 2008 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc. announce the availability of version 3.2j of the Aphelion imaging software product. This new version of Aphelion includes the following new features and improvements:
- Support of the LZW non destrutive compression in TIFF file fromat
- IEEE1394 driver: Support of CMU 1394 Digital Camera Driver version 6.4.5 to interface both IEEE1394a and IEEE1394b camera devices
- DirectShow (WDM) driver
- Improvement of the interface to the Leica DFC cameras
- Improvement of the software protection to fully support Windows Vista
Aphelion Version 3.2i
Caen, France, March 15th, 2006 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc., announce the availability of version 3.2i of the Aphelion imaging software product. This new version of Aphelion includes the following new features:
New modules and tools available of Aphelion 3.2i:
- 3D Skeletonization module - An ActiveX component to generate a 3D skeleton of a tree-like 3D structure. It can be used from the Aphelion GUI or from a stand-alone application developed in the Visual Basic or C++ environment.
Other new benefit provided by Aphelion 3.2i include:
- Support of Leica DC and DFC digital cameras (option available in Rev.4 or later only)
- Support of Diagnostic Instruments Spot Insight digital cameras (option available in Rev.4 or later only)
- Support of IDS Falcon/Eagle frame grabber board
Aphelion Version 3.2h
Caen, France, November 15th, 2004 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc., announce the availability of version 3.2h of the Aphelion imaging software product. This new version of Aphelion includes the following new features:
New modules and tools available of Aphelion 3.2h:
- Microscopy Tool - Tool to control the automatic stage of an optical microscope from a stand-alone application
- Color Module - Module to extract image features using powerful color segmentation techniques
Other new benefits provided by Aphelion 3.2h include:
- Support of Matrox Meteor II DIG
- Support of up to 2.4 Gigabytes of memory to let the user process larger 3D images in Aphelion
- A set of new operators and macro functions such as an operator which reconstructs a focused image from a set of unfocused images, or a function to compute the covariance matrix on a color image
- Operator to translate 3D objects in the 3D space
- New morphological operator to compute the extended regional maxima and minima
Aphelion Version 3.2g
Caen, France, March 15th, 2004 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc., announce the availability of version 3.2g of the Aphelion imaging software product. This new version of Aphelion includes many new features and a set of new optional modules for vertical markets and specific needs.
New modules and tools available of Aphelion 3.2g include:
- Image Montage - Construct a mosaic image from sub-images
- Kriging Module - Filter noisy images
- Measurement Tool - Perform manual measurements in images
- Microscopy Tool - Control an automatic microscope from a stand-alone application
- Multifocus - Create a sharp image from multiple, unfocused images
- Color Module - Extract image features using powerful color segmentation techniques
Other new benefits provided by Aphelion 3.2g include:
- Support of 16-bit color image acquisition
- Support of Euclidian distance and new Structuring Elements in the Morphology component
- Import of 3D images to be processed by the Aphelion 3D Image Processing Extension
- Computation of measurements based on texture analysis
- Support of the Aphelion ActiveX components in the Microsoft .NET environment
- Full compatibility with the latest versions of Windows
- Support of Matrox Meteor II CameraLink, Integral Technologies FlashBus DX, Coreco/Imaging PC2Vision, and FireWire IEEE1394 devices
Aphelion Version 3.2f
Caen, France, October 30th, 2002 – ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc., announce the availability of version 3.2 of the Aphelion imaging software system, including two new optional modules for 3D Image Processing Extension and 3D Image Display Extension.

Most of Aphelion’s 2D image processing operators are supported in the 3D environment and are now available to everyone needing to process volumetric data. Also available in Aphelion’s 3D environment are transforms such as convolution, addition, subtraction, maximum, erosion, dilation, distance function, labeling, watershed, and threshold. Analysis of 3D images is supported by 3D measurements and 3D ObjectSet.
To display 3D images in user applications, Aphelion 3.2 provides an Image Display module available as an ActiveX component with the following capabilities:
- Display of a 3D object as a set of slices, a composite object or an isosurface
- Control of the light and location of the camera
- Control of the display context (intensity, zoom, etc.)
- Cross sections in X, Y and Z directions
- Control of the LUT and the light intensity
- Mouse or keyboard control of the 6 degrees of freedom

Image courtesy of Synchrotron of ESRF (Grenoble). Collaboration between GEMPPM (INSA, Lyon) and Center of Mathematical Morphology (Fontainebleau), within the scope of a CNRS Material Science Program (project 104)
With these two powerful modules for 3D image processing and 3D display, images acquired from a sensor device, such as a transmission electronic microscope, a confocal microscope, a medical scanner, or any 3D device, can now be easily processed, analyzed, and displayed using the Aphelion Graphical User Interface.
Aphelion’s extensive image display capabilities have been enhanced by adding 3D display to its Image Viewer component. The three figures below show the effects of two 3D image processing operators applied to a 3D image, visualization of the resulting 3D image after a dilation by an octahedron of size three, and after a 3D FFT.
Original image Courtesy of Kitware, Inc.
Dilation by an octahedron of size three
3D Fast Fourier Transform
Aphelion 3.2’s new 3D capabilities maintain the general “look and feel” of Aphelion’s popular GUI. Users with 3D research projects or who are developing applications with 3D imaging content will find the 3D tools available in Aphelion 3.2 indispensable to timely, effective completion of their work.
Demonstration movies
Aphelion Version 3.1e
Starting December 15th 2001, the most current version of Aphelion shipped to all new customers is version 3.1e.
The major improvements between this latest release, and version 3.0g are the following:
- Aphelion Image Editor for interactive modification of Aphelion binary images and ObjectSets to improve segmentation results
- Enhanced ActiveX components for image capture, processing, and display
- More Visual Basic and Visual C++ examples to get users started even faster
- Advanced statistical information added to Aphelion ObjectSets
- New drivers implementing Windows Video Capture driver and enhanced TWAIN
- Frame grabber support for the latest boards from Integral Technologies (e.g., FlashPoint 3D Pro) and for the Leutron Picport Color
- Support of the Intel microscope QX3 through the Windows Video Capture driver
- Full compatibility with current versions of Windows® (95/98/Me, NT/2000, and XP)
- Gamma correction of images
- Support of String attributes in the Object Sets
- New BasicScript commands for adding custom Look Up Tables, loading DLLs at run time, customizing the new “Macro” menu to quickly organize macros
- Possibility to attach an ApxImage control to existing data in DIB format
- And much more
Aphelion 3.1 is still available in the following attractively priced configurations:
- Aphelion developer license for end users
- Aphelion site license for multiple machines at a single site
- Aphelion ActiveX components available as a complete library or as individual units
Contact your local Aphelion representative to receive the latest Aphelion pricing schedule and the additional optional modules you may need in your application.
And do not forget to connect to the Aphelion web site frequently to learn about the latest Aphelion versions.
Aphelion Version 3.0g
Last quarter of 1999, ADCIS, and Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc., announced version 3.0 of Aphelion, the latest version of the software product which is more than just another image analysis package.

From the same user-friendly environment, the user has access to the largest library of operators in the industry available for every class of images, including: symbolic processing to manipulate features extracted from images, fuzzy-logic and statistical based classifications to extract objects from images, advanced mathematical morphology algorithms, and measurement extraction. A built-in Visual Basic scripting language, a fully customizable charting package, a spreadsheet and hardware and MMX support are also included in the basic package.
This version of Aphelion provides many important new features, including:
- Availability of the Image Processing/Understanding/Display libraries as ActiveX components, callable from Visual Basic, Delphi, Java, for easy integration in third party applications
- Additional segmentation tools such as Snakes and Color Thresholding techniques
- Texture Analysis tools to classify images
- Enhanced printing capabilities to generate high-quality reports
- Additional frame grabber support, such as the Integral Technologies FlashBus, and the new Matrox Meteor boards
- Integration in the Windows 98/2000 environment
- Additional module for Comet Assay analysis
- And much more…
Contact your local dealer to learn more about Aphelion 3.0.
All active users with a maintenance support can get Aphelion 3.0 as part of their agreement. Other users can purchase an upgrade version.